Why we recommend it
Jack’s opinion : Easily the most popular Acro harness in the business, comfortable, strong and durable. When out with us in Turkey one thing that’s often not considered is availability of spare rescue handles, these are always available for the Acro 4.
Théo’s opinion : I have been working really hard with the R&D team from Sup’air to bring the Acro4 to life. It took us 2 years of hard work,countless protos and testing in order to improve the already great Acro3. Our idea was to correct all the small flaws from the Acro3 as well as improving it where it need be. The result is the Acro4. Incredibly comfortable, practical and more compact. It will feel lighter, better fitted for groundhandling yet still provide the same armchair like comfort from the Acro3. We managed to balance precision with a high level of stability needed to fly acro whether you are just starting or at the highest level. If you have any doubts just look at how many World Cups this acro4 won in the past years…
Blaise’s opinion : The Acro 4 is my first Acro harness, it’s taken me from mild Acro to Infinity, if you’re thinking of progressing from SIV into Acro then I can’t recommend it highly enough.